Tailored solutions for exchange, rental and small quantities
Guaranteed availability of load carriers
Simple, quick administration
The CargoLine transport and logistics operation transports approximately 10 million unit-load deliveries per year all over Europe. CargoLine operates pooling of its Euro pallets through PAKi, making use of their comprehensive network in Germany and all over Europe.

PAKi is involved in the management and optimization of industrial flows of Nutricia Nutrition Clinique (Danone group), a key player in medical nutrition for all ages of life.

With their headquarters in Hamburg, Germany, tesa SE is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of self-adhesive products and system solutions for industry, businesses and consumers.

At VTL-Vernetzte Transport-Logistik, numerous system partners work together via an optimized logistic chain and a shared hub in Fulda, reducing costs. The aim is to accept and deliver cargo within 24 hours.

The L.I.T. Group, headquartered in Brake, is a logistics service provider for national and international transports, the handling of air and sea freight, warehouse logistics, fleet management, personnel logistics and IT services.